Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Project 8: HDR, Multiple exposures, and Panoramas

For this project we had three different techniques to use while taking our photos: Panorama, HDR and multiple exposures. Each one required us to be steady in our motions and preferably use a tripod. 
Curious Cat- (multiple exposures) For this photo I took multiple pictures of my cat while he moved and I held still. I then layered them making each a little less opaque than then next to achieve this effect. I then cropped it and added a few finishing touches on light room.
Farm- (Panorama) This is a panorama I took at my dad's house. I used a tripod to take multiple images then used photoshop to stitch them together seamlessly.

HDR original photo

City- (HDR) This is a photo I took in downtown Portland. I took a few images, changing the exposures each time. I then merged them into HDR pro in photoshop then cropped it and tried to fix up some areas where there was weird pixillation and the colors were off. I liked this because I thought it looked sort of tropical and like a cartoon sketch.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Project 7: Alternative Process Through Digital Means

For this project we had to replicate alternative processes with digital means. We replicated daguerreotype, and cyanotype by adding layers on photoshop. We also downloaded free frames, textures and brushes from the internet to achieve these effects. To replicate the daguerreotype and cyanotype I added multiple layers and experimented with the opacity and blending modes. I also used different types of brushes to make backgrounds and help blend things in.

                                     Snowy Rose- Original                              Snowy Rose- Daguerreotype
    Squash- Cyanotype                                Squash -Original

                                        Daisy-Original                                   Daisy- Daguerreotype