Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Project 8: HDR, Multiple exposures, and Panoramas

For this project we had three different techniques to use while taking our photos: Panorama, HDR and multiple exposures. Each one required us to be steady in our motions and preferably use a tripod. 
Curious Cat- (multiple exposures) For this photo I took multiple pictures of my cat while he moved and I held still. I then layered them making each a little less opaque than then next to achieve this effect. I then cropped it and added a few finishing touches on light room.
Farm- (Panorama) This is a panorama I took at my dad's house. I used a tripod to take multiple images then used photoshop to stitch them together seamlessly.

HDR original photo

City- (HDR) This is a photo I took in downtown Portland. I took a few images, changing the exposures each time. I then merged them into HDR pro in photoshop then cropped it and tried to fix up some areas where there was weird pixillation and the colors were off. I liked this because I thought it looked sort of tropical and like a cartoon sketch.

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