Friday, April 29, 2016

Natural Landscapes Prework

Beauty as it relates to the natural world is difficult to define. However, I think beauty is when the natural world is untouched by humans; sweeping views, old growth forests, meadows, etc. are all natural creations that embody our idea of beauty.

Marc Adamus
I've been fortunate to experience my defined beauty in nature multiple times. However, the most memorable was when I went to Indonesian Borneo over the summer after my eighth grade year. I found myself in a situation where I was completely surrounded by nature. While initially uncomfortable, the tranquil beauty of the rainforest became evident. Everywhere I looked I found unique insects or pitcher plants that lined the ground and wild orangutans climbing through the trees. The heavy, stagnant air served as a reminder that we were not near the comforts of home. The discomforts of being far from home soon subsided as the overwhelming beauty of the natural landscape took over.

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